
Showing posts from May, 2012

Life Within a Day Squackett

Messrs Hackett and Squire, so what have they trespassed on from their past to bring us this 2012 offering. If we go in search of the artists origins of this work we will find some answers we might expect and others we might not. There is some Frippery from early 80’s and Mr May of his Britannic majesty in the guitar work. Crosby, Stills and Nash, Led Zeppelin, XTC, Mr “ackits” solo career which leads down to some quintessential English whimsy, music hall and vaudeville. However if we were expecting a big dose of the affirmatives we would be wrong-oh so wrong and that is hugely to Mr Squire’s credit. This music is fresh and quite separate. A special mention for the keyboard player, who is always fresh and incisive, and only lets go briefly on the title track. His sounds and playing are an object lesson in how to avoid 1977. After the first listen I tossed all the musical referencing and sourcing out and just decided to lie back and enjoy myself. Life With In a Day A to